The eye is this image is the Emphasis of it because it is bright blue, while the rest of the photo is black and white.
The cat and the mouse in the design represent Ground, or Negative Space, or the space around the design.
The Positive Space or Figure of this design is the cat, because it is the main component of the picture.
This photo demonstrates repetition because it utilizes the same image several times.
Not only does this image display balance because the elephant is standing on a ball, but also because it shows the distribution of heavy and light objects.
The geometric pattern represents Rhythm because it repeats the colors and shapes in the same arrangement.
The most basic unit of Scale is a human, and this design shows the size of a human proportionately in relation to the mountain.
Unity in this design is demonstrated by the variance of thickness of lines and shapes.

Variety of shapes and overlapping colors in this design adds interest, without confusing the viewer.
How do you add a layer mask to a particular layer?
What two colors are used to create the mask?
Black and white
Describe the process of using a layer mask?
Describe the process of using a layer mask?
You use a layer mask by using the brush tool to hide or make visible different areas of a picture in Photoshop. When you hide part of the picture, it isn't permanently deleted. Black is used to hide and white is used to reveal.
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