Friday, November 11, 2011

Review Week #12

How can you, as the designer, use principles of design to help compose a page?
You can use the principles of design to compose an organized and structural piece with balance.
What are the principles of design (define each in your own words)?
-Repetition = repeating an aspect in a design
-Balance = the distribution of heavy and light elements
-Proportion/Scale = the relative size of all of the aspects in a design; the most common unit of measurement is a human
-Emphasis = making something the focus of a design
-Unity = unifying all elements of a design; bringing everything together
-Variety = using different elements to make the design diverse
-Figure = the part of the design that we pay attention to; positive space
-Ground = the area around the design; negative space
-Rhythm = the patterned recurrence of aspects of a design
-Contrast = relating two elements in a design

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